Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Good View of World Heritage of Nepal River

The views...! The views...!The views...! The views...! Nepal is many river and all kind of tree or animal, Nepal View Trekking has been established with a commitment to improving the environment and the poorer rural areas of Nepal. The Langtang Gosainkunda trek is one of the most beautiful trekking in Nepal. Kund is a Nepali word, means: lake. There are 108 kunds in this area and mainly visible from the routes are Saraswati Kund, Bhairab Kund, Surya Kund and Gosainkunda is the famous and most important one, This agency has been set up to provide personalized trekking and travel services .We can provide quality services for both small and large groups of individuals. We have an annual capacity to organize more than 50 treks or expeditions,Nepal View Trekking intends to give a portion of its profits to community development projects in the poor and remote areas, that have not been directly benefited by the tourism,you can must welcome in Nepal.
Nepal is a river runner’s paradise no other country has such a choice of multi-day trips away from roads, in such magnificent mountain surroundings, with warm rivers, a semi-tropical climate, impressive geography, exotic cultures, wildlife and friendly welcoming people, River journeys in Nepal are electrifying and nerve thrilling, Rivers in Nepal are treated as goddesses. They are the ever flowing and inspiring source of beauty, abundance and infinite adventure. The rugged topography, extreme variations and excessive snow melting in Nepal make this mountain kingdom blessed with blosoming, Kali Gandaki River is a flat and braided river, flowing in an arid open valley tumbles down between the majestic Dhaulagiri and the Annapurna ranges. It has shaped one of the world's deepest gorges. It offers spectacular Himalayan views along with natural beauty and incredible whitewater adventure, flowering rivers, running across the country. So come let us indulge in this maddening and bone chilling experience.This makes Nepal an obvious choice for river,Rafting often known as whitewater rafting and kayaking are water deed with lots of challenges and thrill.adventure,Values, especially time values, are different during your adventure trips and you do need to be more flexible and tolerant to enjoy your time here and avoid undue stress.Nepal poking into Tibet on the other side of the Himalayas it has beautiful.

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