Saturday, May 5, 2012


Diaba amrit is best for diabetes.All kinds of diabetes medicines available in the market are good in one way or the other. But the most trusted brand among the masses is Deemark Diaba Amrit. Packed with the natural ingredients, Deemark Diaba Amrit is today the largest diabetes Capsules brand in the country with over million of consumers. Deemark Diaba Amrit is a unique formula compounded according to the ancient principles of Ayurveda. Diaba Capsules is a compound of Twenty nine herbal & mineral drugs it reduces blood sugar levels. It assists in maintaining the sugar level and prevents the growth of the diabetes. Our anti - diabetic capsules do not produce any kind of harmful and toxic effect on the body.

Ingredients of Diaba Amrit :-

  • It is one of the most popular herbal supplements for the treatment of diabetes because of its ability to prevent sugar from accumulating in the body. Diabetics do not produce enough insulin naturally to regulate the rate at which their bodies absorb glucose, or sugar.
  • It modulates tissue glucose utilization in insulin dependent tissues. It helps to overcome complications of chronic diabetes delays onset of diabetic complications. It helps to reduce the glucose absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and improve insulin & pro insulin levels.
  • Saptrangi is a wonderful herbal remedy for diabetes. It is a tree whose bark is effective in controlling diabetes. The root is also used to control sugar level naturally. The herb have been found to have speical active ingredients which are very useful herbal remedies for diabetes.
  • NIMB
  • It is one of the main ingredients in every blood purification formula used in Ayurveda and it appears in most diabetic formulas as well. Nimb is used for a wide range of ailments including flu, fever, sore throat, cold, fungal infections, skin diseases.
  • Commonly known as bitter gourd. It is very popular for it's anti-diabetic properties. It's also rich in micronutrients which are required for prevention of complications of diabetes.
  • The botanical name of Kalmegh is Andrographis paniculata which belongs to the family Acanthaceae. It is one of the important Ayurvedic herbs. It has various health benefits. Whole plant is used as a medicine & the herb is also used to cure diabetes. Kalmegh is found throughout India.
  • Ashwagandha is adaptogenic, relieves anxiety and stress. It is also an effective anti-inflammatory. Ashwagandha is a useful herb especially for diabetic neuropathy, weakness,,
  • This is a rhizome growing mainly in South India. The roots of this herb are taken out and grinded well. The herb powder stimulates pancreas to pump more insulin into blood.
  • Gokharu is found in tropical climates of the world. It is found mainly in India, America, and Australia. Gokharu plant also called as "puncture vine" has long been used all around the world for various diseases.
  • ince ages (Fenugreek) is being used as a medicine in India, Egypt, Middle east and other ancient civilizations. Fenugreek has excellent properties to bring sugar levels as well as cholesterol levels under control. The seed powder of Methi is used to lower down sugar levels.
  • Aamla is world’s richest natural source of vitamin C and is nature’s super anti-oxidant. One Amla contains 30 times more vitamin C than an orange. It prevents ageing and therefore delays the onset of complications of diabetes.
  • Ghritkumari is used internally in Ayurvedic formulations for blood purification, inflammation.
  • This is very popular herb and is commonly called Turmeric. Turmeric powder is an effective anti-allergic, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and one of the best natural anti-diabetic. It helps in purifying the blood, channel opener, helps in reducing the insulin resistance and thus making the way for glucose into the cells.
  • Bahera herb is used as astringent & employed in dropsy, piles and diarrhoea. Bahera herb is also used in fever, applied to the eyes & is useful in sore throat & many more.
  • Harar is very beneficial in treating diabetes. First of all it stimulates the beta cells of islet of langerhans present in pancreas to release the proper amount of insulin, a hormone that is required to regulate the blood sugar levels. As per the ayurvedic concept as Harar is bitter in taste it scavenges on the glucose particles that float in the blood stream.
  • Jamun fruits are a good source of iron and are said to be useful in the troubles of heart and liver.
  • Peepal leaf is used in traditional medicine for about 50 types of disorders including asthma, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, gastric problems, inflammatory disorders, infectious and sexual disorders.
  • Nagarmotha is a pungent bitter-sweet herb that relieves spasms and pain, acting mainly on the digestive system and uterus. They are used internally in the treatment of digestive problems, menstrual complaints & many more.
  • n the Ayurvedic medical tradition, deodar wood is used as a carminative, or to relieve painful gas and toxins of the bowels. According to online resource Mother Herbs, other traditional medicinal systems decoct deodar lumber, or distill it into a drinkable potion, and use the decoction to treat fevers, pulmonary and urinary disorders, rheumatism, piles, kidney stones,
  • Lodhra Tree has been traditionally used as a uterine tonic. Numerous references attest to its value in maintaining optimum women's health. Additionally, the plant and its formulations have been effective in healing wounds and controlling bleeding & many more.
  • This herb is used for abdominal disorders, constipation, fungus, gas, indigestion, headache, heart disease, hemorrhoids, insanity, lung disease, mouth ulcers, obesity, pneumonia, sore throat, toothache, worms, and also a very good brain tonic. It reduces diabetes related problems.
  • According to Ayurvedic traditions, Chitrak increases the digestive powers, promote appetite, and treats a variety of disorders of the alimentary tract, such as dyspepsia, diarrhea, and piles. It is an antiseptic, and is also useful in the management of skin disorders & many more.
  • Giloya is one of the most useful ayurvedic herb which acts as tonic and aphrodisiac, it is also an antihelminthic, anti-arthritic, anti-periodic, anti-pyretic, blood purifier, cardiac,
  • Red sandalwood is very helpful in Type-2 Diabetes. The herb also improves circulation of blood throughout the body.
  • It is considered as one of the most potent and unique rejuvenates. It is extensively used for general physical strengthening, anti -aging, blood sugar stabilization, bone healing, kidney and many other applications for numerous conditions.
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